
KALUPTO Debuts with Ethereal Piece ‘kalupto’

When approaching ‘kalupto’, the listener must be ready to enter a nuanced and cathartic sonic universe, a place where ethereal vocals and angelic harmonies will aid introspection and reflection, perhaps allowing everyone to delve deeper into their consciousness. This is not a pop record, and frankly, you’d be hard-pressed to put it into a definite genre box. ‘kalupto’ simply is a viewpoint into its author’s fragile and sensible character, a tool for expression that seems to be hugely paying off. 

Penned by French artist KALUPTO, the homonym track is the project’s debut release – if this is anything to go by, we are in for one hell of a journey. Emerging from France, the talented newcomer champions a wholesome and organic aesthetic, indicating Bon Iver as their primary inspiration. 

Sonically, the piece is gentle, soothing, almost cinematic – built over piano and light soundscapes, ‘kalupto’ provides the perfect settings for KALUPTO’s evocative vocals, so intense yet soulful. Describing the meaning behind the track, the Paris-based creative explain: “Guided by the purr of a broken mic, this piece, as soft as it is intense, is an invitation to lean your distress on, never to feel alone anymore.”

Recommended! Discover ‘kalupto’ on Spotify: 


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