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JRTA: “I feel like I have zeroed in on my sound”

Based in South Carolina, JRTA is an up-and-coming artist and multi-instrumentalist who recently caught my attention with his haunting new single ‘One More Toke’. As one of the most open and honest musicians I’ve come across recently, JRTA brings a raw authenticity to his sound, immersing listeners in a world of introspection and vulnerability.

Desperate to find out more about the talented up-and-comer, I was stoked when he agreed to an interview! Taking us through the meaning behind ‘One More Toke’, what his life would look like without music in it, and which three albums he’d take with him to a deserted island, please give a warm welcome to our new friend JRTA!

Welcome aboard JRTA! I’m so excited to introduce you to our audience! I love discovering artists still in their infancy musically! When did your love affair with music begin?

I was a child. It was the 80’s. Stephen Tyler of Aerosmith grabbed his nuts and sang some crazy notes, and I thought to myself, “I could do that”. I can’t…but seeing as nothing else seemed remotely interesting, I continued on that journey for most of my life. I started playing the guitar in 5th grade and bought my first electric with money from mowing lawns. I started playing in a garage band as soon as I could play a few chords. Eventually, we needed a bass player so I switched over and loved it. 

I’ve been fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at your latest single ‘One More Toke’, a crackingly eclectic and innovative offering I’ve fallen deeply in love with. I know that it deals with drug addiction, but what else would you like our listeners to know about your latest track? 

It is a sort of sad song about wishing I could find the same levels of happiness and productivity while sober that I do when using moderately high doses of kratom. It’s partly about getting a handle on weed intake. I manage not to wake up and bake now. Mostly.

I also sold my modified, Stage 3, 2017 Subaru STI. I put it all in the stock market for day trading. The song refers a lot to that experience. 

I love the diverse range of your influences; The Doors, Q-Tip, Nirvana, and 50 Cent to mention just a few. Who else would you like to credit or shout out for helping shape your overall musical soundscape? 

I have diverse tastes. Dr. Dre, Method Man and Redman, Posty, Bille, Jesus Lizard, Halsey…yet no matter how mainstream my influences get my music just doesn’t go there. My girlfriend says I’m “unconcerned with anything anyone has ever done”. It’s not entirely true but at the same time, it contains some truth. 

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” What would your life look like without music in it? And what fills your days when you’re not busy creating?

Without music, life would look like the ground rapidly approaching from a great height. Without music, I would become the worst of myself. I would fall into addiction and depravity seeking out pleasure through an ever-expanding collection of vices. Though I’m a pretty bad mother fucker. I might just find something else. 

Thankfully I do have music. I smoke less because I need to be sober to mix and master. I quit vaping because I learned it depleted your dopamine and I need that to focus on music. The same thing happens when you withdraw from kratom. It sucks. 

I nearly kicked kratom because of the part-time job I got to support my promotional efforts. Music puts me in front of people so I keep fit. Music gives my life purpose without which I would just be miserable. When I am miserable I just need to get back to the music. It works. 

When I’m not making music I’m hanging out with my girlfriend, working on promotion, or delivering pizza for money to use for promo. 

Success is such a broad term with different meanings for everyone. What would “being successful” in the music industry look like to you?  

Being able to support the ones I care about with my musical career. 

Which of your lyrics would you like to see printed on a T-shirt?

“Harder and longer 

I’m a fucking halberdier!” 

OK, JRTA – desert island time! You’re allowed to grab 3 albums before being stranded on an island. Which do you choose and why?


The Doors (original album) mostly for ‘Break on Through’ and ‘The End’.

Morphine’s ‘Cure For Pain’. I love the whole thing. 

Sublime’s ’40oz To Freedom’.  Cause duh! 

Thanks so much for chatting with us, it’s been awesome getting to know you a bit better! Do you have any words of wisdom that you’d like to leave us with? And, also, what comes next for JRTA musically?

Seriously consider twice before trying a new drug. That one decision wrecked my life for years once. It can happen to you. I wouldn’t have listened to this advice. You should. Or don’t. Life is a wild ride and it’s all on you. 

There are 20 songs that I have recorded and queued up for release. I feel like I have zeroed in on my sound with ‘One More Toke’ and my cover of ‘Red Right Hand’ which may be my next release.  So, we are looking at more Electro-pop, Trap, Hip Hop, and R&B fusions going forward. 


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