
Josh Orange Release Latest Album ‘Birds For The Bayou’

When approaching Josh Orange, we didn’t know what to expect, especially for such a long-standing, wise group. Usually, people tend to lose inspiration over time… but that hasn’t happened to the Aussie band yet. Instead, they are doubling down, showcasing once again the immense musical charisma they have to offer. 

Following up on their 2021 fourth studio album ‘Midnight Lights’ (which gained them four AMRAP number #1 singles), Josh Orange now return with a newly crafted, impressive collection of songs, ‘Birds For The Bayou’. In it, the listener will get comfy and familiar with the group’s signature folk and indie-flavoured sound, immensely relatable and positive. It’s a unique mix between early ‘2000 Californian bands and more introspective, nuanced lyricism, making the whole album highly peculiar and authentic.

Josh Orange says about the record: “We finally found some momentum after much trial and error in late 2023, and we finally finished recording eleven new tracks in April 2024. The band will celebrate 20 years of making music together in 2024, and we are really proud to mark that with a fifth studio album.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Birds For The Bayou’ on Spotify: 


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