
Jon Torello Shares Soothing Jewel ‘Janus’

If we had to describe Jon Torello’s vocal character with a single word, we’d choose “soothing”. While intense and raw, the Californian creative has a very light, casual delivery, making for an overall listening experience that feels cathartic, almost hypnotising. Nuanced and packed with grainy textures, Torello’s vocal profile works perfectly for the type of poignant lyricism he seems to enjoy. 

Taking the conscious decision to release music after many years of pondering it, Jon seems to be slowly finding his true self, expressing life’s complicated path through words and music. ‘Janus’ is a wonderful entry point for any new listener: balanced on acoustic guitar and electronic soundscapes, the song reveals pop energy with folk undertones – a formula that’s clearly working well. 

Lyrically, ‘Janus’ explores the ability to choose one’s own path, even when everything and everyone points to a specific one. A theme that’s close to Torello’s heart, having experienced existential conflicts and the willingness to change. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Janus’ on Spotify: 


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