
Johnno Casson AKA Snippet Shares New Album ‘English Fables, Vol.1’

Soothing and delicate, ‘English Fables, Vol.1’ still retains a charmingly playful character, wrapping the listeners in witty and quirky storytelling – the kind of storytelling that’s packed with wisdom and personal experience. Johnno Casson (also known as ‘Snippet’) is the talented human behind the album; hailing from England, he boasts a past in some of the industry’s most exciting bands. 

‘English Fables, Vol.1’ is perhaps the fruit of his long-time commitment to music and the community around him. A keen observer of human nature, Casson collects tales of quintessential English life, likely acquired over the course of his own eclectic existence. Sonically, there’s a bit of everything in there, from funk, groove-ridden gems (‘Ink’) to folky acoustic ballads (‘The Little Things’), passing through more electronic offerings (the colourful ‘Funny Habits’). 

In essence, Johnno uses music as a blank canvas for his impactful storylines, finding the right sonic dress for any occasion. Speaking about the record, Casson explains: “This album feels like it is about me, about you, about people we know and those we don’t and the challenges we all face in different ways”.

Recommended! Discover ‘English Fables, Vol.1’ on Spotify and Youtube:


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