
John Taglieri Shares Resilience Anthem ‘Part Time Love’

We always talk copiously about the power of music to highlight special moments in life. In fact, for John Taglieri music has always been the center of attention. In his case, it is both the reason for such special moments and the tool used to celebrate them. Driving a successful career as a performer, the American talent was forced to take a step back in 2016, due to a vocal injury. It took some grieving, resilience and rehabilitation, but now Taglieri is finally able to sing again. 

John’s latest single ‘Part Time Love’ seeks to explore that very same occasion. Conceptualized as an artistic rebirth, the record is a stunning nugget of poignancy and relatability, built over a charming country-pop instrumental. Taglieri’s vocals seem to be better than ever, so evocative and expressive, yet quite controlled and intimate. 

Describing such an important song, John explains: “Call it a rebirth. A continuation of finding yourself again after thinking things were over. Reinventing the very best of yourself in a new way.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Part Time Love’ on Spotify: 


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