Jim Bower Shares Quirky and Hypnotising Record ‘Obsolete’

‘Obsolete’ is a pretty quirky offering. Built over hypnotising post-punk tones and psychedelic textures – with a touch of math rock thrown in for good measure – the record is a clear example of how there are still people willing to experiment and pursue their own path. Leaving behind modern trends and proven formulas, Leeds-based Jim Bower is able to conceptualize music that doesn’t sound like anything else we have heard before. 

‘Obsolete’ is the strongest evidence of that. Featuring odd time signatures and vocoder-treated vocals, the record then drenches everything into eclectic sound design and repetitive loops, placing itself at the crossroads between indie and electronica. Eventually, any attempt to describe ‘Obsolete’ with words seems to fail, as we urge you to listen to the track with an open mind and the willingness to discover. You won’t regret it. 

Championing a rather successful career in arts, Bower was previously known as SHATNER’s head honcho, a group that had their slice of fame back in the ‘90s. Now, Jim collaborates with producer Will Jackson (Kaiser Chiefs, The Music, Embrace etc) on brand-new material, while making a mark on the creative industry as a videographer. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Obsolete’ on Spotify and Youtube: 


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