
JessicaB Shares Ethereal and Introspective Gem ‘twelve’

Pursuing a rather alternative path, JessicaB refuses to align with mainstream musical values, forging a sound that feels as dreamy as it is authentic. Only 19 years old, the British talent already showcases a terrific artistic sensibility, particularly pungent in her latest effort, the hauntingly beautiful ‘twelve’. 

The record features Jessicab’s ethereal sound, characterized by spacious guitar tones, beatless soundscapes, and angelic vocal harmonies. With a DIY production style, the young artist demonstrates her raw talent and potential to become a major force in the music industry.

‘Twelve’ rejoices in its dreamy atmosphere and minimalist instrumentation, creating a sense of tension and introspection. Taking a cue from the likes of Bjork and Kate Bush, we are confident the project will find its place among music listeners – stay tuned. 

Recommended! Discover ‘twelve’ on Spotify: 


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