
JESSIA Returns with Empowering Pop Anthem ‘I’m Not Gonna Cry’

Many will be familiar with JESSIA’s 2021 breakout single ‘I’m Not Pretty’. Since then, the Canadian songstress has effectively become a global superstar, building an audience in the millions and a stunning catalogue of pop gems. ‘I’m Not Gonna Cry’ is the project’s latest addition, a punchy and empowering gem that’s as lyrically meaningful as it is sonically engaging. 

Built on fast-paced, groovy synth-pop and an intriguing Robyn-esque character, ‘I’m not Gonna Cry’ flourishes on honey-like, catchy melodies and JESSIA’s powerful, evocative vocals. Speaking about the inspiration behind the song, she explains: “This song is about the will to keep showing up for yourself, even when life gets tough. It’s choosing to celebrate the good things instead of dwelling on the negative. I want it to pick the listener up, dust them off, and get them ready for their busy day or their girls’ night out.”

Recommended! Discover ‘I’m Not Gonna Cry’ on Spotify: 


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