Jemerine Chan Shares Empowering Jewel ‘Black Rose’

Moving at a fierce pace, ‘Black Rose’ contains a stark dualism; playful and quirky piano and vocal sections alternate to anthemic electro-pop episodes, creating a stream of diversity and grappling intensity that completely overwhelms the listeners. Quite dark and perhaps gloomy at times, ‘Black Rose’ also showcases a certain punch and electrifying character, mainly due to the many vocal harmonies and EDM-flavoured sonic stylings. 

Penned by London-based songstress Jemerine Chan, the record is an impressive glimpse of her songwriting prowess, sharing a call for empowerment and authenticity. As she explains: “Everyone deserves to be valued like a princess, but they can turn into a black rose if they were mistreated. This song is about empowerment and self-value, reminding everyone to not let red flags slide and not overlook the existing ones”.

Recommended! Discover ‘Black Rose’ on Spotify and Youtube:


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