Jane N’ The Jungle Return With Fiery Single ‘Cut Me Open’

A familiar face on our blog, Jane N’ The Jungle has made quite an impression in the last year and a half. The industry took note of their punchy, euphoric and melancholic alt-rock imprint, allowing the band to create a small, yet passionate following, now providing a platform for further growth. Emerging from Phoenix, Texas, the group champions a style that’s drenched in early ‘2000 alt vibes, think Hoobastank and Creed. Yet, they manage to sound unique and interesting, especially thanks to Jordan White’s hard-hitting lead vocals and relatable lyricism. 

‘Cut Me Open’ is Jane N’ The Jungle’s latest effort, a gritty and gut-shaking anthem, showcasing the fierce character and relentless guitar riffs the band has to offer. At a deeper look, it’s a fine balance: while the instrumental is as furious as it could be, White’s lyrical delivery maintains a certain friendly and relatable quality, although still packed with rawness. This makes sure that the record appeals to a wider audience, and not strictly to rock lovers. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind ‘Cut Me Open’, Jane N’ The Jungle explain: “It’s a feeling of something new and wanting to be good enough for you.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Cut Me Open’ on Spotify: 


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