Embracing new beginnings is a powerful act of resilience and personal growth. Jakob The Liar knows it well, in fact, he’s been always working towards it. ‘A Song Like You’ is the project’s comeback single carrying that very same powerful message. Leaving behind failed relationships and broken love, Jakob seems to have found true love, a feeling he is willing to celebrate with bells and whistles: a bold, striking sonic character manifesting in the rich arrangement and the track’s elegant, rock-flavoured pop prowess.
Filled with euphoria and commitment to the future, ‘A Song Like You’ feels relatable to Jakob The Liar on a few different levels. First of all, this is his first release since January 2024, yet again a new beginning. Secondly, it reflects the talented globetrotter’s never-ending search for artistic enlightenment: from his early years as a solitary songwriter to being held captive by a mysterious illness, then returning to music with a newly-found outlook on life and the world around him.

Jakob looks at our reality with pure, unfiltered sensibility, decoding life’s enigmatic dealings through artistic language. He’s obviously incredibly gifted, perfectly at home in poignancy-laden rivers but also uplifting territories. Eclecticism is the word here. Delving into the inspiration behind ‘A Song Like You’, the nuanced creative explains: “Having dated in London, I used to be convinced true love was something out of the movies; I was wrong. I wrote this song as a celebration of the fact that as long as you do the work, true and majestic love is in fact possible – whichever place you call home.”.
Recommended! Discover ‘A Song Like You’ on Spotify: