
Jakob The Liar Shares Fierce Banger ‘Vi@gr@ Falls & P!$$ Graffiti’

Introduced by a charming acoustic guitar and noisy textures, ‘Vi@gr@ Falls & P!$$ Graffiti’ tends to conceal its identity at first. What will become a rebellious sleazy and euphoric track starts as a more measured pop-rock anthem, only to gradually grow in intensity and distortion, reaching heavenly punk territories and grunge grittiness. Quite an immersive experience, delivered by Danish creative Jakob The Liar with great charisma and fuzzy energy. 

Now based in London, UK, Jakob drenches ‘Vi@gr@ Falls & P!$$ Graffiti’ in saturated, fuzzy vocals and unwavering fierceness, allowing the record to assume a rather edgy character while exploring experimental and unique creative territories. It means a lot, for a project that seems to be growing with every release – Jakob The Liar is on to something solid. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the record, the Danish talent explains: “It is a reminder to my young self; that as a young person you have the whole world in front of you – and therefore every reason to be rebellious, chase dreams, fall in love, form deep friendships, and overcome whatever is holding you back.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Vi@gr@ Falls & P!$$ Graffiti’ on Spotify: 


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