
Jakob The Liar Explores Fleeting Relationships in ‘HEARTBEAT’

Approaching Jakob The Liar’s musical output is not your usual discovery action. Rather, it’s a head-on dive into nuanced and refined artistry, drenched in meaningful lyricism and witty reflection. You see, the Danish-born, London-based talent has a natural gift for drenching his songs in inspiring and poignant storytelling, kidnapping his listeners on a three-minute journey into the artist’s consciousness. Naturally, the same also applies to ‘Heartbeat’, the project’s latest effort. 

A charming pop-rock effort, ‘H E A R T B E A T’ is one of Jakob The Liar’s best songs to date: imagine emotional guitars, evocative vocals and solemn piano chords: the track is a perfect blend between the project’s retro-rock influences and its ear-catching melodies. The song also anticipates a larger release, ‘The Great Awakening’, expected later this year. 

That said, is in its lyricism that ‘H E A R T B E A T’ really shines, giving us a taste of Jakob’s mesmerising songwriting. Set in pandemic times, the song tells the story of two people who experience a moment of passion that leads to a vital life change. Despite the relationship being doomed to fall away, the song conveys a sense of freedom that is truly inspiring. A lot of this human sensibility stems directly from Jakob’s years-long battle with mental health, often positively informing his music. 

Recommended! Discover ‘H E A R T B E A T’ on Spotify: 


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