
Infinitefreefall Deliver Expansive and Adventurous New Album ‘Belief Systems’

It wasn’t long ago that we were singing the praises of South Carolina-based experimental pop outfit Infinitefreefall. They’d just put out a single called ‘Desecrated Landscape’ and we at Mesmerized fell in love with the vibrant and intense tune. Knowing that an album titled ‘Belief Systems’ would soon follow, we waited patiently for its arrival, hoping to receive a record as unique and captivating as ‘Desecrated Landscape’. Well, around two weeks ago, Infinitefreefall seriously delivered!

Expanding their sound and leaning into more shoegaze, post-punk, and psychedelic territories, the nine-track offering has been described as the band’s “loudest and most adventurous music” yet. Having made changes to their lineup, it was only natural that the act would explore new sonic landscapes, and I believe they’ve done so in the best way.

The album opener is a six-and-a-half-minute epic taking listeners on a captivating auditory journey of sounds and styles before ‘Desecrated Landscapes’ makes its appearance.

‘Human Intuition’ is another expansive and layered piece of brilliance, and ‘Masters of the Dream’ simply has to be experienced to be fully understood.

The remaining five songs are yours and yours alone to discover. Dive into the wonderfully eclectic sounds of Infinitefreefall. I promise you…It’s worth it!

Serious album alert! Enjoy ‘Belief Systems’ on Spotify now:


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