
Hypnotic Clambake Celebrate Older Times in ‘Varicose Brain’

Today we are remembering a fantastic album from many years ago. The millennium had just started, and we were all buzzing about new possibilities and technological leaps… then the 2008 stock market crash happened, and since then, let’s just say things didn’t exactly go extraordinarily smoothly. 

But, let’s focus on 2001. In Rochester, an eclectic and musically sapient group, Hypnotic Clambake, was about to release ‘Varicose Brain’, an album aimed at traditional dance halls, featuring danceable tunes and classic European folklore material. The album was recorded in the band’s in-house recording studio, and it’s clear that the group is driven by a passion for music and the joy that comes with playing.

What can you expect from it? A throwback, a remembrance of simpler and more joyful times. But also the use of specific musical formulas which are not so common today, especially when it comes to traditional dance halls. Led by Maury Rosenberg, this unique ZydeCajun/Bubblegum/Klezmerfied/GrassHop Experience formed in Boston, Massachusetts in the early ’90s, and has since become a notable figure in the local music industry.

Recommended! Discover ‘Varicose Brain’ on Spotify: 


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