
Horace Phillips Teams Up with Hattie Simon on RnB Gem ‘Favorite’

Love, fear, and commitment: some of the most challenging emotions we all find ourselves dealing with, sooner or later. Brooklyn producer and drummer Horace Phillips knows it very well, teaming up with fellow singer Hattie Simon to deliver a passionate, luscious, RnB number on the uncertainty of entering into a committed relationship. 

‘Favorite’ is filled with doubt and hesitation, a feeling that Phillips captures sonically with a wash of densely orchestrated layers and subtle percussive pulses. However, the chorus explodes into a catchy groove, signifying the ever-redeeming feeling of being in love. His solo work aims to produce modern indie R&B music while upholding acoustic and analog principles. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Favorite’ on Spotify: 


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