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Holda Sek and Caezar Return with Cathartic Gem ‘OVERSTAY’

[Photo Credit: @matghisolfi] – The collaboration between Holda Sek and Caezar always seems to bear fruit. Writing about the pair’s previous efforts ‘At Twenty’, we described it as “intimate and cosy melodies on top of an avant-garde-flavoured production”. The underlying concept is still valid today, especially considering Holda Sek’s latest release, ‘OVERSTAY’. 

Featuring a futuristic and nuanced production by Caezar, the piece takes a distinctly more introspective and evocative path, exchanging noisy sound design in favour of crepuscular and intimate textures, with a soft jungle groove underneath it. It’s the perfect environment for Holda Sek’s soothing vocals, delivered with a charming hyper-pop character and an otherworldly tone. The listening experience is highly hypnotising, showcasing the British songstress’ ability to blend futurism and traditional pop prowess. 

Recommended! Discover ‘OVERSTAY’ on Spotify:


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