Hebecta Gets Fiery and Honest on New Single ‘Stress’

“Hebecta was born when I couldn’t keep silent about all the shit going on in the world anymore. I wanted to scream with pain and horror, and these screams became songs”. These are the words of the artist known only as Hebecta, a musician and vocalist based in Warsaw, Poland. On her brand new single ‘Stress’,  Hebecta constructs a fiery and aggressive soundscape, but you wouldn’t know that from the first fifteen seconds of the tune. Starting off quietly, ‘Stress’ quickly descends into a headbanging and riffy metal track that is just pure power. It’s honest, intense, heated, and incredibly infectious too!

Hebecta’s debut single ‘8 Shovels’ was only released about eight months ago. It’s another song of the artist’s that I’ve really come to love, but I don’t think they’d mind me saying that ‘Stress’ shows sonic growth and maturity. I truly cannot stop listening to it…that riff is just insatiable!

There’s something rather special about Hebecta’s vocals too. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but the confidence, resilience, and determination in it have seriously resonated with me. She’s an artist who has come a long way, and now I believe it’s her time to shine. Onwards and upwards Hebecta! To many more successful tunes!

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘Stress’ on Spotify now:


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