
Gunslingers Share Soothing Folk Gem ‘Shadows’

A soothing and cathartic number, ‘Shadows’ moves with elegance and mellow energy, gently caressing the listeners into a state of internal peace, inspiring them to appreciate and cultivate relationships more. Along a peaceful bed of acoustic guitars and slide action, the single sees Lou Heneise’s evocative vocals engaging in soft folk stylings with delicate delivery and a stream of smooth melodies, all interpreted with the sweetest of care. 

The American songstress is the human behind Gunslingers, a collaborative project that stems from her solo endeavour. After inviting a string of talented creatives in her writing process – such as John Swan III and Michael Vasquez – Heneise decided to widen the scope of the project, giving it a collective denomination. Gunslingers was born, and with it the hope for Lou’s musical magic to continue and get better and better. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the song, she explains: “‘Shadows’ is inspired by a letter John Steinbeck wrote his teenage son enrolled in boarding school. The letter and the song address the true nature of unconditional love”. With a plethora of shows around the US already booked, look out for Gunslingers – you don’t want to miss them. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Shadows’ on Spotify:


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