Good Greef Return with ‘All The Cool Kids Are Sober’

Active for the past few years, Good Greef champions a style that’s rebellious, fierce and even trashy at times. In truth, the band wears many hats, or better, it fuses many hats into one very fitting and quirky piece of garment. A garment that only they possess. That’s how uniquely authentic Good Greef are. Borrowing references from early ‘2000 indie and garage outfits, they manage to build a desirable and light guitar-powered universe, alluring the listeners with its bubbly riff and playful lyricism. 

‘All The Cool Kids Are Sober’ is Good Greef’s latest effort, a long and extensive album that fully showcases the magnitude of their artistry. The Californian band doesn’t fail to impress us, stacking ten energetic tracks that are fuzzy and evocative, not to mention catchy and lively. The musicianship level is high, with wise and measured instrumental goodness that never takes over, instead favouring a lyric-based approach. Rightly so: the band’s vocals feel expressive and mischievous, with the occasional moment of poignancy that eventually results in more distorted and fuzzy matter. 

Hailing from Rancho Cucamonga, Good Greef are a listening surprise, especially when considering that the whole album contains strong tracks. Keen to hear more! So should you…

Recommended! Discover ‘All The Cool Kids Are Sober’ on Spotify: 


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