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Girondolini Unveils Self-Titled Eclectic Hip-Hop Album

The attentive listeners will have had their first taste of Girondolini last year, perhaps enjoying the old-school hip-hop vibes of the project’s debut effort ‘Breathe Deep’. Since then, the Austrian talent unveiled a series of dynamic and quirky singles, all leading up to a full-length record, the self-titled album ‘Girondolini’. Diving into it, one will experience a sensation more akin to exploring a new, inhabited continent. Perhaps the same sensation Columbus felt while landing in the Bahamas: an alluring landscape, unknown features, and that intense feeling of having discovered something new. 

Uncomfortable metaphors aside, ‘Girondolini’ – the album – truly is a work of art. Introduced by the already familiar ‘Breathe Deep’, the listener gets then punched in the gut with ‘The Monk’, a more laid-back and soulful vibe with a charming retro touch.  After a short instrumental break, ‘Friday Afternoon in a Multiverse’ raises the stakes a fair bit, delivering material that’s drenched in modernity and sonic innovation. Same goes for ‘YoYo’, a rather psychedelic and groovy offering, making large use of dub delays and vocal samples. 

Going forward, ‘Multiplexer’ is the perfect trait d’union for more organic and introspective musical matter found in ‘AC’, also sharing a certain reggae flair. Boom-bap comes back strong in ‘Doing Fine’, before Kendrick Lamar-Esque tones scramble the artistic picture in ‘Winter Violins’. ‘Collide’ brings the record to a close in eclectic fashion, reminding us of the magnificence and hypnotising force Girondolini has to offer. 

Also known as July Skone, Girondolini is first and foremost a talented drummer with years of experience in the industry. Vocal talents such as Premrock, Harry-Dean Lewis and Eloui join him in the above-mentioned record, a transformative sonic journey that’s worth to be experienced. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Girondolini’ on Spotify: 


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