George Bone’s Latest Single ‘Yours Today’ is a Soul-Stirring Beauty

Perhaps it’s just me, but I’ve always felt there’s something extra special about discovering an artist at the very beginning of their musical career. It’s as if you’ve uncovered a hidden gem before the world catches on – and there’s a thrill of being part of a journey right from the start. Such is the case with Essex-based artist George Bone, a unique and extremely talented musician we at Mesmerized have quickly fallen for.

‘Yours Today’ is George’s highly anticipated new single and his third to date, and placing it in some sort of “genre box” seems futile. Sure, it’s pop-centric and soulful, but it’s also so much more than that. It’s a tune that moves fluidly between genres with authenticity and grace, as Bone’s signature deep and moving vocals effortlessly elevate the track to new heights of sincerity and passion.

Painting a picture of an instant, head-over-heels romance, ‘Yours Today’ beautifully details that first feeling of true love. “I’m not scared of heartbreak,” sings George. “Cause I’m yours today”

After being crowned Best Male Artist of the Year at the 2024 Radio Wigwam Awards, and having his songs featured on BBC, George Bone is making an instant impact on the scene, and as far as we’re concerned, it’s richly deserved!

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘Yours Today’ on Spotify now:


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