Gary Dranow Shares Youth Struggles in Latest Gem ‘18, It’s Alright!’

We have been getting to know Gary Dranow a fair bit in the past few months, mostly regarding his nuanced and relatable musical qualities. It turns out, the American rocker has also had quite a tumultuous and challenging life experience. In the project’s latest effort, ‘18, It’s Alright!’, Dranow lifts the lid on his past, delving into an authentic and honest recounting of his mental health struggles and troubled youth. 

As he explains: “From the turbulence of untreated bipolar disorder to the complexities of navigating relationships amidst personal turmoil, this song encapsulates the transformative power of self-awareness and growth”. Such a powerful anthem takes a fierce and fuzzy livery, basking in the same vintage rock references dear to the Park City rocker. 

‘18, It’s Alright!’ is likely to inspire young listeners to face their own demons and shortcomings, especially when it comes to untreated mental illnesses. In the case of Dranow, it’s a Bipolar 1 disorder wreaking havoc in the early years of his life. Thanks for being honest, Gary!

Discover ‘18, It’s Alright!’ on Spotify: 


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