GALVO Releases Emotional Album ‘The HeARTist’

Introduced by an elegantly played acoustic guitar, ‘Maybe’ offers soothing and magical vibes from the get-go. GALVO’s evocative vocals join the sonic picture soon, helping the track enter decisively folk territories, although with a certain eclectic flair. Once the chorus hits, the track has fully morphed into a poignant and relatable gem, the perfect match for the Irish creative. Honestly, it’s a pretty impressive offering, a record that feels introspective and emotional with the right amount of catchiness. 

The same script can be found in GALVO’s latest release, a wider album that showcases his unwavering commitment to artistic creation. Featuring fourteen stunning pieces, ‘The HeARTist’ needs to be approached with calm and understanding, being the result of patient work and solitary music making. GALVO is adamant about his project being totally independent and self-funded, giving the final result even more of a mesmerising aura.  

Lyrically, ‘The HeARTist’ bathes in personal experience, exploring the immensity of human emotions and everyday behaviours. As the Irish talent explains: “The songs come from real lived experiences – of family trauma, of love and heartache, of losing faith, of self-determination, and of eternally swimming against the tide.”

Recommended! Discover ‘The HeARTist’ on Spotify: 


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