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Fleanger: “The ultimate goal is a life full of making music 24/7”

We’re always being told to step out of our comfort zones and, personally, the easiest thing to do that with is music. Introducing Fleanger, the genre-blending musical project of Berlin-based producer Mor Kessel. He recently unleashed a tune called ‘Fume’ and, since hearing it for the first time, I’ve been slightly obsessed with it ever since!

Keen to get to know him a little bit better, we were stoked when he agreed to an interview. Speaking with us about what success would look like, which albums he’d take to a deserted island, and what he loves about being a musician, please give a big welcome to our friend Fleanger!

Hey Mor! How have you been? It’s so great to be able to re-introduce you to our audience today! For those who haven’t discovered your musical prowess just yet, who is Fleanger and when did your love affair with music begin? 

My name is Mor and my stage name is Fleanger. I was born in Israel and am currently living in Berlin. I am known as the youngest artist in Israel to find his musical fingerprint. While growing up, I had trouble connecting with others my age. I started to use art as a way to express myself and escape my troubles. First with drawing, graffiti, and then piano, which led me to write music. Eventually, I wanted to combine all of my creativity, so I became a producer.

I’ve fallen pretty intensely for your latest single ‘Fume’. I put it on at the end of a long day, and it just helps me de-stress and unwind. Is there an underlying message to the tune? What does it mean to you?

I can say that the story behind this track is a story of a lot of loneliness accumulated in recent years and many hours in the studio. I can say that this track summarizes in 8 and a half minutes my last three years and my personal experience in them.

You’ve released a ton of material since 2018. What 3 songs would you tell someone who has never heard your music to listen to if they wanted to get a taste of your style?

I think my style is very diverse, so I would recommend listening to my album ‘So Am I’ first because it tells a story of many painful years. The EP I released called ‘Self-Awareness’ describes my path to self-love. And one more track I would choose is ‘Getting Older’ which gives a more dancey vibe to my music.

You released a single last year called ‘Don’t Know Me’ which is nearing 130,000 plays on Spotify! How does it make you feel to know that so many people have been listening to and resonating with your music?

I still can’t digest to the end that so many people listened to my work and I still can’t believe the crazy numbers that this track reached on the platforms but you can say that I’m very happy about it on the days I manage to spare and think about it.

What would being successful in the music industry look like to you? And, in a similar vein, what are your overall thoughts on the current state of the industry? What would you change if you could?

Success in my eyes is reaching the small goals I set for myself and every time I achieve them. The ultimate goal is a life full of making music 24/7, and I think the industry, especially my music, has not yet received enough of an audience in the world. I also don’t think it will ever become mainstream but I hope that with each passing year, the awareness and recognition of this style of music will increase.

OK, Mor – desert island time! You’re allowed to grab 3 albums before being stranded on an island. Which do you choose?

Violator (Depeche Mode)

The Dark Side Of The Moon (Pink Floyd)

Yes (Pet Shop Boys)

What do you love most about being a musician? And on the flip side, what are some of the biggest challenges that you’ve faced so far?

Two things I like about music like mine is that it’s like a Michelin restaurant. It takes you on a journey and an experience in every part of it and at the end of the meal it’s not just paying and leaving but it’s a hug and admiration and people with tears in their eyes. The biggest challenge as a musician is of course making enough money to have the freedom to make music.

Thanks so much for chatting with us Mor!  I have no doubt that there are many more songs up your sleeve, and I truly can’t wait to hear what else you have in store! But, in a broader sense, what do you hope for in your musical future?

I hope to continue to make people excited through my music and gain more and more regular and new audiences who will follow me and what I do consistently and get excited and experience my story with me.


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