
Fitkinwall Unveil Nuanced and Meaningful Album ‘Uist’

‘Uist’ is a multi-layered record. Penned by British boundary-pushing duo Fitkinwall, the project focuses on experimental exchanges between harp and electronics, with composer Graham Fitkin and harpist Ruth Wall reciprocating threads and melodies over an eclectic array of traditional and contemporary pieces. ‘Uist’ showcases it very well; take for instance ‘Red Red Rose’, a texture-packed, ambient piece, and ‘Geal Og’, a harp-heavy, folk-reminiscing gem. 

That’s the sonic context. When it comes to the philosophical layer behind the album, Fitkinwall seeks to remember one of the most controversial occurrences in Scottish history: the forced eviction of thousands of Highlanders known as ‘The Clearances’. The pain and social turmoil behind the event is certainly present in ‘Uist’, albeit in musical form. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the record, Fitkinwall explain: “Migration is not new. It’s been going on for millennia. The reasons may be geological, climate-based, oppressive, work-related or voluntary. This album focuses on one small aspect of migration, the eviction and subsequent migration of farmers and crofters from the Scottish highlands during the Clearances.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Uist’ on Spotify: 


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