Filmm Returns With Pensive, Gloomy Gem ‘Make Believe Penitentiary’

Emerging from Bristol’s hip cultural whirlwind, indie rock talent Filmm champions a pensive, poignant aesthetic. Describing himself as “writing songs to despair to”, the British singer-songwriter definitely possesses a knack for delivering dark, austere tracks, often focusing on chilly and dreary topics. It’s music to despair to, as he says, although with a certain reflective flair. After all, there’s value in reaching the bottom. 

After debuting last year with ‘Sophia’, a moody and gritty electro-rock anthem, Filmm returns earlier this month after a relatively short hiatus. ‘Make Believe Penitentiary’ is the project’s latest single, which compared to its predecessor features a slightly more neutral aura. Leaving big synthesisers behind for a more rock-flavoured sound, the track is somehow nostalgic, yet gloomy in its themes. Lyrically, the song wants to recall the feeling of being trapped inside your own head, looking for a way out. Filmm describes it as “written from a place of acute anxiety”.

An organic blending of acoustic and electronic, ‘Make Believe Penitentiary’ is notable for its drum part, played by Mat Hector (Iggy Pop), giving the track a real band-like feeling. While Mark Neary (Adele) plays a fuzzy, punchy bass line, the rest is left into the hands of mellow, ethereal keys, helping the track achieve a certain timeless outlook. The result is music that’s both groovy and melodious, also thanks to a catchy and resolutive chorus. Filmm’s evocative, malleable vocals complete the stunning composition. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Make Believe Penitentiary’ on Spotify or watch the official music video on Youtube:


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