FERN. Explores Uncharted Sonic Territories on ‘Alone’

We don’t know much about FERN.. In truth, we don’t even know their real name. What we do know, however, is that his sophomore single is one of the most intriguing tunes we’ve heard all year! Teaming up with engineer Tyler Schaffer and Alan Calpo (Rough Hands), FERN. concocts a classic indie-rock soundscape. Or so it appears. Everything seems to be going along smoothly, in a dreamy, almost shoegazy manner. But then comes Alan and we’re greeted with some spine-tingling and agonising screams. It really shouldn’t work given the musical surroundings we’re in, but it somehow does. Genius!

Finding inspiration in acts and artists like Jack White, Cage The Elephant, Superheaven, and Hippo Campus, to name just a few, the Maryland-based musician clearly has his finger in many musical pies. I’m certain that it’s this wide variety of eclectic influences that allows him to explore uncharted sonic territories, and that’s what it’s all about at the end of the day!

I can’t recommend ‘Alone’ more highly to be honest. Any artist willing to experiment with sounds and styles and march to the beat of their own drum is A-OK with me! I’m also certain that this is just the start for FERN., so strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride.

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘Alone’ on Spotify now:


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