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Excuse Me. Gears Up for Upcoming Album with ‘Cops’

In our quest for the new, hottest band, we stumbled upon Excuse Me., a Canadian outfit with a knack for dynamic alt-rock styling and indie flavourings. Their latest effort ‘Cops’ will tell you everything you need to know about them. Introduced by a stark, punk-flavoured bassline, the track curiously contains veiled textures and soundscapes, low in the mix but ever-present, giving the record a fuller sound and a wider depth. Excuse Me.’s lead vocals join in on the verses, sections that are dynamically quiet to contrast with the chorus, so energetic, euphoric and punchy. The perfect resolution for a stunning song. 

Excuse Me. manage to be raw and complex at the same time, and that’s perhaps their biggest quality. As they explain: “We took the gritty rock of bands like PUP / Wolf Alice and injected it with the spacey sonics of Joy Division.” Genius! We particularly like their wholesome approach to the genre, so eclectic yet still very specific. 

‘Cops’ is taken from the Canadian group’s upcoming album, ‘The Light’. Speaking about the record, the band describes: “The Light is a story of a man unhappy with his life, who chooses to leave everything, buy a Trans Am, and head for the coast. ‘Cops’ takes place right in the middle of this story.” Stay tuned.

Recommended! Discover ‘Cops’ on Spotify: 


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