Enter Sonomancer’s Mysterious, Mesmerising Sonic Universe

Often, music speaks for itself. Australian sound alchemist Sonomancer knows it too, curating the amount of information about himself at the minimum. That means the project is wrapped in a certain aura of mystery. Combined with the experimental and kaleidoscopic nature of its material, it is easy to understand what makes Sonomancer so special. Building a personal universe made up of soundscapes, old-school breakbeats and infinite arpeggiators, the Melbourne resident is not afraid to explore the limits of sound design in a bid to explore the whole spectrum of human consciousness. 

Declaring “between discovering that making music is why I was put on this Earth and literally waking up the other day to the realisation that all of the pieces were in place to actually, finally, make a go of it”, Sonomancer tells us one thing. Music is his/her primary purpose. It’s what defines him/her. It’s a source of meaning. 

The project’s latest record – ‘Stoppage Time’ – draws inspiration from the ongoing FIFA World Cup, borrowing a very common rhythmic pattern – often found in stadiums – and slowly building a trance-inspired, 90’s echoing electronic gem. Sweeping synths, punchy and fast-paced beats, field recordings from football matches: it all concurs in making the track a jewel deserving to be listened to. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Stoppage Time’ on Youtube or Spotify:


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