Enter Cautionary Tales’ Theatrical and Evocative Rock Universe

‘Axolotl’ introduces the record with an anthemic snare-powered march, almost hypnotising the listener with its steady pace and repeating hooks. Guitars are fierce and malleable, not afraid to delve into unconventional tuning and harmonies. It all goes very well with Cautionary Tales’ mysterious lead vocals, delivered so charmingly by Will Marshall. There’s a strong soundtrack quality to it, as if the band was trying to build a mood, rather than deliver pure storytelling. Reminding us of the seminal German metal band Rammstein, Cautionary Tales attracts the same nauseous, creepy guitar-driven energy. 

It makes complete sense, taking into account they emerged from Berlin. ‘Cautionary Tales’ is their homonym’s latest record, a journey into the group’s creative universe. Perhaps not for everybody, the album offers a good amount of eclecticism, alternating classic metal tropes to more experimental numbers – such as the theatrical and evocative ‘No Funeral Blues’. 

Speaking about the record, the band explains: “The name ‘Cautionary Tales’ refers to a fundamental type of storytelling that explores the consequences of our actions. Rooted in folklore, myth, and various forms of literature, these stories illuminate the myriad ways life can go terribly or comically wrong.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Cautionary Tales’ on Spotify: 


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