
Enla Arboleda Writes About Self-Love in ‘I Don’t Belong Here’

We did lose ourselves in ‘I Don’t Belong Here’: an incredibly expansive and cathartic record, the track sparked an intense few minutes of personal reflection and nostalgic memories, all drenched in poignancy, melancholia and ethereal vibes. Penned by Colombian producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Enla Arbolda, the song is part of a wider EP, ‘Other Ways to Find Yourselves’, released earlier in November. 

Based in London, UK, Arboleda’s sonic imprint is equally impressive and nuanced: blending minimal acoustic tones with organic textures and instruments, he’s able to create a wholesome, heartwarming formula that perfectly matches the emotional charge in his lyrics. Do you remember how we said that we could lose ourselves in ‘I Don’t Belong Here’? that’s exactly the first step to get back to our truths. In other words, to find ourselves again. 

As Enla explains: “This is a song about self-love, and realising that you don’t belong to somebody or somewhere that is causing you harm. It is a song about remembering who you were and accepting that it is time to move on.”

Recommended! Discover ‘I Don’t Belong Here’ on Spotify: 


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