Eimhin Shares Fragile and Meaningful Gem ‘7 Months In Space’

Sharing heartwrenching fragility and soul-mending poignancy, ‘7 Months In Space’ is a fitting listening effort for such complex and nuanced times. We felt almost mesmerized (of course we would) by the soothing and emotional character of the track. Built upon a charming and unwavering acoustic guitar, the record then flourishes on light textures and cinematic soundscapes, the perfect framework for Eimhin’s delicate and evocative vocals. 

Enunciating tales of self-growth and personal reckoning, the song is an absolute jewel, a listening experience that won’t be forgotten anytime soon. Based in Australia, but originally from Ireland, Eimhin has been travelling the world a fair bit by now – perhaps, the understanding and relatable nature of ‘7 Months In Space’ is fuelled by the experience gained by the talented creative. A deeper understanding of the human experience, which he’s now able to reverse onto lyricism and musical notes. 

Speaking about the record, Eimhin explains: “‘7 Months In Space’ is about some time that I spent at a backpackers place in Melbourne called Space Hotel. There’s a funny thing about backpackers, they say, you go travelling to find yourself, and I guess there’s a lot of truth in that because I met a lot of lost people, myself included. So, I became one of them, and made some incredible friendships”

Recommended! Discover ‘7 Months In Space’ on Spotify: 


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