Dylan Tauber Returns with Digital Gem ‘Dolphin Waves’

It’s surprisingly hard to describe ’Dolphin Waves’. Bathing in dreamy electronica, the album finds its unique identity in a luscious and dreamy blend of pop and leftfield, navigating around long soundscapes and textures, early ‘2000 dance throwbacks, and Dylan Tauber’s hyper-pop, futuristic vocals, delivered with strong charisma and poignancy. Often enjoying a strategic autotune-powered livery, Tauber reminds us once again of his production and songwriting prowess, along with a nuanced artistic vision that pivots him into pursuing the undiscovered path. 

Along thirteen pieces, ‘Dolphin Waves’ showcases unwavering commitment to its cause, taking the listener on an eclectic journey through bold, EDM-flavour episodes (such as ‘Dolphin’s Secret World’ and ‘Dolphin Waves’) and more intimate, collected gems, such as the opener ‘Journey of The Dolphins’ or the piano-powered ‘Oceans of Dreams’. One of the few constants is the highly digital flavouring common to the entire record, giving it a truly contemporary and intriguing edge. 

It’s a fitting quality for Tauber, a confessed cyber artist and multi-talented creative. In essence, he’s not just providing music, rather, he’s sharing a challenging sensory experience: combined with its bluey and ethereal imagery, ‘Dolphin Waves’ is bound to impress even the most apathetic of listeners. 

Discover ‘Dolphin Waves’ on Bandcamp:


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