
Dreams of Delvaux’s Debut EP ‘Air Without Gravity’ has Something for Everyone

Please give a big welcome to the new Staffordshire-based electronic duo of Jon Aldersea and Rachel Poole. Performing under the moniker Dreams of Delvaux, ‘Air Without Gravity’ is the duo’s debut release, and came out towards the end of last year. It’s a five-track EP that wonderfully showcases their versatility and multifaceted musical approach, from upbeat and bright to eerie and contemplative. ‘Erase Me’ kicks things off, and sits firmly in the former aforementioned category. A dreamy, catchy, and synthy little gem, it sets the tone perfectly for the rest of the EP.

‘Ghosts of Me and Ghosts of You’ is the third track on ‘Air Without Gravity’, and it takes a more haunting and introspective turn. I was instantly drawn to the tune, and it serves as the perfect example of the duo’s adaptability, and willingness to mix up their sound. It’s an absolutely beautiful song that I happily cannot get out of my head!

I won’t “ruin” the other tracks on the EP for you. I think you should discover them for yourself. I promise you this though…they are worthy! Inspired by everyone from Paul Delvaux (obviously) and David Lynch to Brian Eno and Vangelis, Dreams of Delvaux is a seriously exciting new act!

Serious EP alert! Enjoy ‘Air Without Gravity’ on Spotify now:


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