
Dream of a Man in a Top Hat Return with ‘Like a Fire Engine’

Man, these guys just don’t slow down! ‘Like a Fire Engine’ is the brand new tune from Boston-based duo Dream of a Man in a Top Hat. Compromised of Lee Leffler and Michael Frackleton, both members of the 80s post-punk act Native Tongue, the band released ‘Opposite Poles’ late last year. It was so gritty, experimental, and intriguing, that I just could not look away. Now they’ve returned with ‘Like a Fire Engine’, a wild, groovy, and hazy little track that is just as interesting and alluring as ‘Opposite Poles’. Be prepared for another sonic rollercoaster my friends…hop on and enjoy the ride!

I love the authenticity and genuineness of DOAMIATH. After more than thirty years in the game, the duo are simply not prepared to compromise on their artistic integrity. Sure it’s unpolished at times, but that is its beauty. In a world obsessed with perfection, DOAMIATH is keeping it real.

‘Like a Fire Engine’ serves as the perfect example of the duo’s versatility, creativity, and artistic vision. It’s a quirky and eclectic mix of sounds and styles that showcases their wonderfully unique musical style and flair. We just can’t get enough!

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘Like a Fire Engine’ on Spotify now:


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