Discover The Parlor’s Hypnotising Sonic Universe with ‘Serpentine’

Upon first listen, The Parlor’s ethereal and dazzling style will have you completely hypnotised. You can trust us, that’s how we felt. ‘Serpentine’ is a wonderful art pop effort, sharing dreamy, fuzzy and slightly psych sonic matter layered with ethereal and luscious vocals. Emerging from New York, the talented duo’s music reflects the couple’s artisanal re-imagining of an antique dream, which they bring to their land, a 19th-century farmhouse where they live and create. It is this unique bucolic outlook that greatly informs their music: spacious arrangements, lo-fi tones, and introspective lyricism – a refreshing offering for our modern times. 

‘Serpentine’ is introduced by a noisy, artificial soundscape, instantly raising the intensity to the max. Shoegaze guitars follow through, before leaving ample space for The Parlor’s choral vocals, often found layered on top of each other. The alchemy between male and female vocals works very well too.  

Lyrically, ‘Serpentine’ seeks to warn the listener about the impossibility of retracting hurtful statements, and the way insensitive words slither into our psyches and cause us to doubt ourselves and our relationships with each other. As the duo describes: “It has a head and a tail, but doesn’t always move forward at the same pace. It stops and starts and curls around. And when we’re triggered by something painful it often swings back to the first moment in our lives where we were hurt in a similar way. We are reminded and often respond the same way we did then. We cope reactively. We act out compulsively.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Serpentine’ on Spotify: 


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