
Discover Sam Way’s Cathartic Spoken Words in ‘how to love’

The keen reader will be aware of our love for spoken words, especially when layered on a warm, mellow musical background. That’s perhaps why we were so impressed by Sam Way’s ‘how to love’, an incredibly poignant and meaningful piece that’s been turning eyes and ears around the globe – something that’s reflected in the tracks’s high streaming figures. Ok though – slowing down now. Some context first: 

Saw Way is an Englishman, one who truly likes to write poetry – and all words-related formats, in general. He’s been doing so since a young age, a passion that easily interlocked with his other big talent, the musical one. ‘how to love’ is the meeting of Sam’s strengths, delivered through warm, evocative vocals, and filtered through his stylish English accent and an intimate delivery. 

An incredibly receptive and attentive lyricist, Way most recently was the author of a book of poems. ‘how to love’ emerges from that very same book, featuring one of those poems and underpinned by a cathartic, elegant piano. The piece came together in Malta, recorded live at Midnight Studios.

Recommended! Discover ‘how to love’ on Spotify:


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