Discover Procrastinatrix’s Fierce Sonic Exploration in ‘Holding Pattern’

We’d be lying if we’d say ‘Holding Pattern’ is an easy listen. It is not. Is it a nuanced, transformative, complex and hypnotic sonic journey? Yes. But it’s not for your average music fan. The refined palate will instead find it more compelling, focusing on the variety of references and its ethereal character. Written by Procrastinatrix – a visionary British producer calling the Swansea Valley his home – the record sets out on a majestic musical exploration, delivering eight tracks of pure electronic bliss. Originally debuting in 2020, Procrastinatrix is slowly but steadily blooming into an accomplished artist. 

And we don’t say that lightly. You see, ‘Holding Pattern’ possesses a crucial quality in music-making. Patience. The rate of sonic evolution is low, meaning that the Welsh talent knows how to pace himself, with every sound having a role, and every modulation working towards a common goal. It is positive minimalism: an ability that’s rather hard to achieve. 

Diving into the album, one must understand what’s ahead of them. In descriptive terms, the listeners get confronted with gooey and fuzzy leftfield material, scouring the entire history of electronic music. From Aphex Twin-Esque glitches (‘Ascend’) to John Hopkins-style kaleidoscopic harmonies (‘Breaking Point’), passing through the most ferocious techno (‘String Theory’): there’s something for everyone, also showcasing how its author – Procrastinatrix – is first and foremost an avid listener. Also, don’t miss out on the industrial vibes in ‘Nicotine Stains’. 

Describing the motivation behind it, Procrastinatrix explains: “a musical response to the terminal illness of my mother.” A fierce source of escapism. Exactly what we needed. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Holding Pattern’ on Bandcamp:


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