Discover Ghislain Caya’s Evocative Sonic Universe in ‘Music For Dreams’

For many, ambient music is a remote and unknown territory, a complex and difficult discipline that seems to escape the realm of logic. For others, including us and Ghislain Caya, ambient is a state of mind, a way to express our inner, unspeakable thoughts and desires. Often, it is a way to silence our inner fears – or a homely refuge from discomfort. Canadian sonic explorer Ghislain Caya pursues the most unadulterated, ethereal ambient music, in a larger career that sees him active in various realms of electronica. 

‘Music For Dreams’ really delves into what makes a soundscape a magical moment. Collecting nine compositions of various lengths and intensities, the record provides a powerful tool for escapism, taking the listeners by hand on a transformative journey through long reverbs, glitchy tones and challenging resonances. In particular, Caya seeks to layer fragments of processed sound matter on top of each other, organising them in a hypnotising way. As he explains: this album was created by committing myself to ”print” each track with effects and move forward. So every track from every song has a ton of manipulations and effects. After that, I process them by group and then the whole song. That’s what created this deep ambience.”

Field recordings do make their appearance from time to time, from the chirps of crickets in ‘Paradoxal’ to the rain and thunder of ‘A Minima’. Overall, Ghislain Caya provides a majestic and unique exploration into the world of dreams. His sound imprint uses a clever combination of analogue and digital synthesizers plus effects, creating music that is both imaginative and thought-provoking.

Recommended! Discover ‘Music For Dreams’ on Bandcamp:


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