Deep Dive Species Return with Evocative Album ‘Habitat’

Introduced by a solitary and spacious guitar arpeggio, ‘Habitat’ instantly wraps the listener into mesmerising energy, the kind of musical outlook that’s cathartic yet elegant – a sign of a rather talented band. Before you know it, the album shifts into melancholic and nostalgic territories, with ‘Adventus’ – a track that we have already written about, declaring it a “heavy and intense offering which wraps the listeners in cathartic and evocative energy”.

There’s a Radiohead reference in ‘Adventus’, by the way… see if you can spot it! ‘Habitat’ continues with heightened instrumental charm, showcasing once again the experimental and creative flair blessing Deep Dive Species. Clearly, Vadim Militsin and Sergiy Popovich haven’t lost the inspiration yet. 

Speaking about the eclectic character that stands at the project’s origin, Militsin explains: “We, as a band, do not live in an isolated musical world. You can feel it in this album, which draws inspiration from Angelo Badalamenti and Tame Impala, among others. And I am a synth lover and an eager and dedicated audio sample hunter. I’m constantly grazing on different sites on the net where people exchange their samples”.

Recommended! Discover ‘Habitat’ on Spotify: 


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