Dawn Cadence Shares Crepuscular Jewel ‘holywater’

Crepuscular and cathartic, ‘holywater’ is the sort of record that leaves a meaningful mark on the listener, both for its lyrical and sonic content. While embarking on a spiritual, introspective journey around sexuality and personal identity, the track also showcases Dawn Cadence’s nuanced instrumental work, here built over a hazy, experimental electronic skeleton.

Drenched in spacious soundscapes and heavenly textures, ‘holywater’ punches above its weight, delivering an intimate yet intense musical experience. Careful and abstract sound design is the perfect match for the record, eventually exploding into a vivid, electrifying bath of fuzzy frequencies, and an angelic harp sound that signals the end of it all. Cadence’s evocative and luscious vocals are the perfect match for such a glorious offering. 

Anticipating an upcoming EP, ‘sacré coeur’, ‘holywater’ offers “a tantalizing glimpse into the thematic depth and artistic evolution to come”, as Cadence so eloquently explains. Kiri Stensby (known for his work with the likes of Caroline Polacheck, among others) is on mixing and mastering duties.

Recommended! Discover ‘holywater’ on Spotify:


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