Darren Deschaine Announces Guitar-Heavy EP ‘Unravel’

Admittedly, ‘Unravel’ is not a record for anyone. Boasting a fierce industrial, noisy and doom-flavoured metal aesthetic, the EP is likely to attract the attention of all the alternative peeps out there, especially the ones with a strong passion for PRS or Ibanez guitars (wink wink). If you find a certain excitement in complex musical performances – and instrumental prowess – then you’ll be happy to connect with Darren Deschaine. In fact, he might become your new favourite guitar hero. 

Emerging from Dunfermline, in the UK, the talented guitarist champions flawless playing abilities, packing his tracks with deep and dark tones amidst a sea of tappings and fast-paced scales. Among three evocative and sometimes catchy tracks, Deschaine showcases what he calls ‘demon-slaying anger’, keeping an eye on dissonances and bright solos, performed on an eight-string guitar. 

Notably, ‘Unravel’ also offers industrial synth work, complimenting perfectly the already boisterous nature of the tracks. As Deschaine explains: “My aggressive guitar style channels the demon-slaying anger of the likes of Mick Gordon (DOOM, DOOM Eternal) and the careful planning of Tosin Abasi (Animals As Leaders)”. 

‘Unravel’ is the project’s debut effort, and will see the light of day on September 1st. Based on what we heard, we are in for a hell of a musical journey! 

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