Dark Optics Shares Hypnotising Gem ‘Numb’

We have said it many times: the best music is the one that’s able to distract you from the everyday chores and problems. That’s where the true transformative power of art comes into use: it allows us to find inner peace and solace. If you are looking for suggestions, you could try ‘Numb’, the latest offering of visionary British electronic producer Dark Optics. Entering the project’s artistic universe is like stepping into unknown territories, with gooey, dark and hypnotising sound matter hitting you from every corner. 

In ‘Numb’, the listener is drenched into an intense and mesmerising musical journey featuring robotic vocals and an inner sense of evolution and growth. In fact, that’s Dark Optics’ whole aesthetic. Formed in 2010, the project aims to transport the listener to a state of calming peace. 

Based in Derby, Dark Optics draws inspiration from electronic and rock music, art, nature, and mental well-being. ‘Numb’ seeks to embody all of these elements, with a focus on finding order amidst the chaos, connecting to a deeper state of consciousness. A goal that seems to have been truly achieved, positively enriching the industry around it. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Numb’ on Spotify:


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