
Daddy Drwg Shares Eclectic Album ‘A Tree Called Happy’

There’s a lot to discover in ‘A Tree Called Happy’. An album built on eclecticism and elegance, the record sees Daddy Drwg going from fierce and furious rock anthem – such as the opener ‘I’m Your Waste of Time’ – to mellower, reflective offerings, such as its follow-up ‘Eyes Wide Shut’. ‘1am Gmt’ enters full folk territories, empowering itself with a charming acoustic guitar and a polite fiddle. 

In fact, ‘A Tree Called Happy’ greatly flourishes on the duality between fuzzy, rough guitar tones and acoustic, elegant instrumentation; such contrast mirrors Daddy Drwg himself, able to shift between fierce and hard-hitting vocal delivery and more poignant lyricism. Further on, ‘Domino’ makes use of electronic elements, a feature that greatly amplifies the album’s artistic outlook. What if we told you that this is a self-produced record and that it’s being performed entirely by Daddy Drwg?

Speaking about the inspiration behind his work, the Welsh talent explains: “After spending years of what was a musical hiatus, it has been a very enjoyable and rewarding experience writing and recording this solo album and emerging anew as Daddy Drwg.”

Recommended! Discover ‘A Tree Called Happy’ on Spotify:


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