
Crux Shares Enhanced Theatrical Flair in Eclectic Record ‘Radgie Gadgie’

If there’s one thing there’s no shortage of in Britain, is rock bands. While it is not all shiny diamonds, you do find some gems among them. For instance, take Crux, Newcastle rock outfit with a knack for eclecticism and wittiness. Their music draws from alt-rock, ska, metal, and in essence, is one of the most original concoctions of sound we have heard in a while. Sharing a big cinematic and theatrical flair, Crux recently released ‘Radgie Gadgie’, an euphoric, intense single built on fast-paced rhythms and intricate vocals. 

But – the band didn’t just appear from nothing. From their exploration of real-life global and local issues, as noted by Scope Magazine, to the virtuosity of the band members, as noted by Ear to the Ground Music, Crux has established itself as a force in the Newcastle music scene, headlining the Engine Room, The Globe, Little Buildings, and o2 Academy2, as well as performing at Scoop Festival, Afterlight Music Festival, and the Canny Fringe Festival, and gaining support from music industry figures such as Tom Robinson of BBC Radio 6 and Nick Roberts of BBC Newcastle. 

Their latest single, ‘Radgie Gadgie’, is a grim tale of toxic masculinity and trauma, combining the emotional intensity of Edvard Grieg’s “In The Hall of the Mountain King” with the technical complexity and fast-paced rhythm that has become the hallmark of Crux’s sound.

Recommended! Discover ‘Radgie Gadgie’ on Spotify: 


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