Courtney Nord Shines on Latest EP ‘Wasteland’

I recently stumbled upon ‘Wasteland’, the latest EP from Los Angeles-based alternative-pop artist Courtney Nord. Featuring four original tracks that Courtney and her team spent over a year curating, it’s an eclectic and diverse set of tunes that proves that this musician cannot be placed into a single genre or artistic box. As she channels inspiration from the likes of Nirvana, Royal & the Serpent, and Halsey, Courtney cooks up a sound that is deeply individualistic and unique. ‘Born upon a Bribe’, the EP’s opening song, does have hints of Nirvana’s ‘Heart-Shaped Box’ to it but, for me, it’s Nord’s throaty and heartfelt vocals that steal the show!

The EP’s title track then follows and things are taken down a notch. It’s more poppy, light, and ethereal when compared to its predecessor, though equally as enticing and captivating. And just wait until you hear the guitar solo towards the end of the song!

‘Love me Hate me’ and ‘Like Rainbows’ complete the Wasteland EP and, without giving too much away, are two tunes that you’re not going to want to miss out on. Courtney Nord is a seriously exciting and skilful musician, and I can’t wait to hear what she gets up to next!

Serious EP alert! Enjoy ‘Wasteland’ on Spotify now:


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