
Coleman.X Unveils Magnetising Single ‘all alone’

A breaking force on the up-and-coming scene, Coleman.X is one of those young artists destined to shape the musical discourse in the near future. Everything about him is forward-thinking: from an edgy and rebellious androgynous image, to a nuanced and magnetising sonic identity. Calling Nashville his current home, Coleman.X explores the most cutting-edge corners of pop music, focusing on hyper-pop with brief experimental stints. 

‘all alone’ is Coleman.X’s latest single. In it, the listener will find the perfect example of quirky sound design together with more popular features, such as a hip-hop-flavoured drum beat and giant synthesisers. Introduced by a charming vocoder, the track soon jumps into catchiness glory, delivering infectious and memorable hooks that celebrate the song as a potential radio hit. 

Lyrically, ‘all alone’ touches on crucial and delicate themes: depression, substance abuse, heartbreak, and isolation, perhaps speaking about the life of young peeps in our delicate and complicated times, between wars and a pandemic. What’s certain, is that Coleman.X has the vocals prowess to deliver them. The single also represents the first step towards an upcoming album, ‘BOY ON YOUR MIND’, expected later this year. 

Recommended! Discover ‘all alone’ on Spotify: 


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