Cloud Ray Returns with Honest Jewel ‘We Need’

Quite a personal record, ‘We Need’ is not your standard run-of-the-mill pop track; rather, it’s a personal, honest and authentic dive into the dynamics of family relationships, a bold and empowering tale towards taking accountability for one’s environment and making changes for the better. Cloud Ray is pretty adamant about it all stemming from personal experience. The American talent reverses all his emotional energy into a strong single, a blend of modern pop, luscious R&B and a touch of hip-hop fierceness. 

The result is a piece that’s heavy in its lyricism, yet pretty playful and groovy in its musical stylings. A stark contrast that greatly helps raise the record’s artistic status, a sign that Cloud Ray is not afraid to delve into complex themes. We are confident listeners will relate to it, especially when confronted with Ray’s charming and confident vocal tone, switching between singing and rapping with incredible ease. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the single, the hyped creative explains: “I want listeners to know how crucial it can be to separate yourself from the heat of an aggravated moment. Sometimes, you may even have to separate yourself from your family, and that’s okay. It’s not easy, but we often only have the opportunity to realize what went wrong when we step away from the bickering and fighting or the inflated egos butting heads”.

Recommended! Discover ‘We Need’ on Spotify: 


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